Benefits of hiring a campervan for your holiday

February 9, 2017

We just love travelling around Australia in a campervan and we could talk to you about it until the cows come home! However, lucky for you, we’ve posted this blog which will take you through the pros and cons of campervan hire.

fleet of motorhomes lined upFlexibility when hiring a campervan

There are so many benefits of hiring a campervan, as this can offer you an incredible amount of flexibility with your travel plans. You are able to customise any parts of your journey along the way.

We think that a campervan holiday provides the most freedom – just think; no more check-in times or early check-out times, you can stay in one place for as long or as little as you like, and there’s no reason to stay in only one location for the duration of your holiday. We love the freedom campervan holidays provide and with that you can explore so many more exciting parts of this beautiful country.

You can even go as far as making the most out of the dates you travel and sneakily avoid peak times such as school holidays, and by picking up your campervan hire just before or just after the school holidays, you’ll still get all the benefits of peak season entertainment and activities by travelling close to or around those dates if that’s what you are after. You’ll also find that the roads and campgrounds can be a little quieter too!

Out on the road in Central QldFor some, the only downside to this could be the amount of driving involved and the fact that you are driving yourself everywhere, which can be tiring. However, the great thing about this, is that you can decide how much driving you want to do in any one day and plan your trip around it!  So many of our clients tell us the journey is the highlight of the holiday, not just the destination.  The in-between bits are just as exciting!

Check out our Travel Routes pages, we have shown some of the most popular routes you could take, which also suggests an ideal amount of time to do those routes in.

When hiring a campervan, you can get up and go!

enjoying lunchtime in your motorhomeWhen you hire a campervan, you are adding a touch of luxury to your adventure!

There is no tent to pitch each night and take down each morning when you set off on your days’ adventure (unless you’re hiring one of the 4WD’s with the option of sleep out tents). Once you’re in and have unpacked all your belongings, that’s it for the whole holiday.  With proper storage for clothes, kitchen equipment, proper beds to sleep on, with even a toilet and shower (if you’ve hired a campervan with those on board), and so many more creature comforts available to make your trip of a lifetime an enjoyable one. You can see what vehicle options are available here.

As you travel Australia, you’ll find some truly unbeatable experiences here. As you move around you can pull up in the heart of a National Park one day, explore historical townships the next and cruise up and down coastal highways on another day. The experiences here are limitless as you enjoy the freedom of life on the road.

Exploring this vast country by road is a way of life for some and as you travel around, you can’t help but bump into some of the most interesting characters you’ll most likely ever get to meet. It’s a great way to meet people and you’ll soon feel the camaraderie between people who decide to choose this way of holidaying.

Here in Australia, there are also options for freedom camping.  While you can’t just pitch up where ever you decide to, and park up for the night there are plenty of options out there. The designated sites to freedom camp can easily be found in the Camps Australia Wide Guide or the wikicamps app, so you won’t be at a loss for ideas on where you can stay. Check out this blog for more information on the Camps Australia Wide book.

Some might find the budget campervans a little on the cosy side with basic facilities, but you can always see if you can stretch the budget a little further and hire a slightly larger vehicle with more facilities and space. Don’t forget to check out our Special Offers as you may be able to grab a larger vehicle that’s on Special Offer and ties in with your holiday plans! There is always a campervan available to suit your budget and requirements, talk with us and we can help you find yours.

Hiring a campervan is easy

Road signs along the NullarborThis type of holiday suits first time travellers who’ve never been to Australia as well as suiting the most seasoned traveller.

From 10 pick-up and drop-off locations throughout Australia, you’ll easily find a holiday that’s right for you. All you need to do is tell us your travel dates, holiday plans and how many are travelling and we’ll find the best deal for you. You’ll receive comprehensive instructions on what to do when you go to pick up your campervan and you’ll receive peace of mind when dealing with us, as we are contactable every step of the way.

Even if you haven’t driven a large motorhome before, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find out just how easy it is.  The large mirrors and sitting up higher, gives great visibility and allows you to see the road clearly ahead. Some motorhomes are fitted with reversing cameras to make parking a breeze.

enjoy the camerarderie of escorted motorhome toursIf you’re thinking this is a little out of your league, our suggestion is to take it slow and plan. It’s just the same as driving a car but you need to remember that there is extra height, width and length on the vehicle so if you give yourself extra space ahead of you and to the side, you’ll be fine.

If you feel that this is too daunting, then you could always join us on one of our Escorted Motorhome Tours, we have several that run throughout the year, every year.

Get in touch and drop us a note and let us work with you and help you select the right deal and motorhome for you.

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Getting in touch…

Speak to one of our friendly team about a motorhome hire or join us on one of our escorted motorhome tours. We look forward to chatting to you!