Darwin to Brisbane Escorted motorhome tour 2019 highlights

November 9, 2019

Our Darwin to Brisbane escorted motorhome tour completed its exciting 5,000 km adventure from the Northern Territory and into Queensland in Aug/Sept this year.

You can check out the video on the Darwin to Brisbane Motorhome Tour highlights here – grab yourself a cuppa, pull up a chair and watch the delights of this spectacular trip!

When our Gallivanters set off from Darwin, they awed in wonder of the stunning tropical Top End, taking in the sights of Litchfield National Park and its multitude of walks, swimming spots and giant termite mounds as well as staying at pretty Mt Bundy Station.

They had the opportunity to cruise through the lush wetlands of the Mary River on a happy hour sunset cruise and got to do some croc and wildlife spotting!

They headed over the Kakadu National Park where they hopped on an early morning magical dawn cruise on Yellow Water and listened to the morning chorus of mother nature as she woke.

Later they got to cruise the famous Katherine Gorge in Nitmiluk National Park, soak in the hot thermal springs at Mataranka before setting off into the typical Australian outback and enjoyed a fun evening at the famous outback pub at Daly Waters.

Settling in at Mount Isa for a couple of days, our gallivanters stayed in this thriving and diverse community that’s home to lots of WWII history such as the Underground Hospital and also got to see what life was like as a miner, at the award winning Hard Times Underground Mine.

Venturing on through the Queensland outback, our Gallivanters were rewarded with a delightful stay at one of Queensland’s most remote pub in Middleton and its camping area, known as the ‘Hilton Hotel’

While travelling through the Queensland outback, our tour group experienced Winton, a quirky outback town with a lot of dinosaur history, before heading to Longreach and jumping on board a Cobb & Co Stagecoach ride for a gallop along part of the old mail route to understand what it would have been like in the pioneer days.

They also visited the award-winning Stockman’s Hall of Fame at Longreach, which gave them an understanding of the rich history of outback life.

After continuing to head east and having roamed through the ‘must do’ Queensland Outback with its charming people, brilliant red colours and a sky that reaches all the way to the horizon, they finished their amazing trip in sunny Brisbane – it is the sunshine state after all!

Like usual, our escorted tours enjoy group meals along the way, plenty of laughs and just good ole fashioned camaraderie of travelling with a group of friends.  We are so proud of the feedback we receive after our tours.

If you want to see an incredible array of native wildlife, visit mining towns, discover World Heritage listed National Parks and spectacular ancient gorges, marvel at Aboriginal rock art, learn about Indigenous culture, experience first-hand local characters then get in touch to save your spot on one of our escorted motorhome tours.

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Speak to one of our friendly team about a motorhome hire or join us on one of our escorted motorhome tours. We look forward to chatting to you!