Hiring a Motorhome Vs Car hire with motel

September 23, 2021

There was a time when hiring a motorhome were for retiree’s. But we’re here to tell you those days are gone!

Easy to collect, drive and park up, many have discovered the joys of hiring a motorhome.

roadtrip australia sunshine beach sea blue skies

People have discovered the economies of scale. You don’t have to take a family of four into a restaurant three times a day to eat. Or larger families don’t have to book two hotel rooms. Families of up to 6 can enjoy the comforts of our larger motorhomes for less than booking two motel rooms.

There’s obviously pros and cons to both options. We’re here to give you an outline of what we have experienced in the years of our road trips, to help you decide which is the right option or you.

For the purpose of simplicity, the term ‘motorhome’ describes our options of motorhomes for hire. We have large 6 berth motorhomes to hire complete with their own toilet and shower on board. Or 2 berth campervans without onboard toilet and showers, and everything in between!

What do we love about hiring a motorhome? Some may say we are biased. However, we have 40+ combined years of road-trips across Australia, so we believe we have expertise knowledge!

What we love about hiring a motorhome:

  1. Most of our motorhomes for hire, have the convenience of having an onboard toilet and shower. This means you could freedom camp at some incredible off the beaten track spots. Enjoy nature as it was meant to be experienced!
hiring a motorhome freedom camping outdoors social distancing

2. Park up en route and enjoy lunch and a cuppa from the convenience of your home on wheels. Perhaps overlooking a picture postcard beach scenery or in the bush being serenaded with birdsong

3. You don’t need a special drivers licence to drive one.

4. Drivability – They aren’t that different from driving a car. You just need to adjust to the size of the motorhome when making turns and parking. Most people feel comfortable behind the wheel within the first hour of driving one.

5. Setting up camp is a doddle when hiring a motorhome! It takes about 5 minutes to park up. Before you know it you’re sitting back enjoying a cuppa!

6. Onboard kitchen facilities allowing you to meal prep.

7. Fill your cupboards with healthy food you can take with you, rather than the cost of eating out 3 times a day. We suggest buying a few days of shopping at a time for ease of storage.

8. You only have to unpack once! Pick up your motorhome hire and pop your things away in the onboard wardrobes and cupboards. It’s easy to pack your stuff away and hit the road within a short space of time.

9. If you are travelling with children, at night time the kids can be inside sleeping while you are enjoying a night cap outside the motorhome, still keeping an ear out!  There is something wonderful about million star camping in luxury!

10. Every experience of your holiday goes with you. Wherever you go during the day, your home on wheels is with you.

11. No check out times if your freedom camping!

12. If you find a spot you like, stay the night (as long as overnight parking is allowed). Just check with Wikicamps app. With over 40,000+ site listings, you can find out the location of free, low cost and commercial caravan parks. Something for everyone.

hiring a motorhome Australia onboard BBQ

13. Up to 3 double beds in our 6 berth motorhomes! It’s a great option for families spending quality time together. Or perfect for a family of four who want the extra bed configuration!

14. Some motorhomes for hire have onboard BBQ’s! Perfect for a great Aussie snag or two!

15. Camping this way is more sociable. You’ll find you’ll be chatting with your neighbour at your campsite.  And who knows…many a lifelong relationship has been formed on holidays such as these!

16. Enjoy nights around the campfire, making lifelong memories

17. Each motorhome hire comes with 24 hour roadside assist

18. You can choose fully inclusive insurance. Gives great peace of mind.

Check out this article where we take you through what you can look for when hiring a motorhome.

Ok, so its easy to say what the upside are to motorhome hire, are there any downsides?

Well, that’s open for discussion! We don’t see them as downsides, but it’s good to be aware of what you could expect.

  • When supply can’t meet demand! Booking a motorhome hire over peak season can get busy. This means if you don’t book early enough you may not get the vehicle of your choice. Our top tip: if you plan on hiring a motorhome over the school holidays, plan in advance!
  • If you don’t plan your trip, you may underestimate the time needed to get from one place to another. When travelling in a motorhome hire, you’ll need to take breaks and add on an extra hour or two to each days travelling. Our top tip: when you are booking your motorhome, speak with one of our friendly staff and let them know what you plan on doing. We can advise you how much time is best to reach the point of interest you are planning on getting to.
  • Choosing the right motorhome to hire can be tricky. There are so many different layouts to suit everyone’s different tastes and requirements. How will you know which one is the right one for you? With our experience, if we can get an idea from you what is essential for you when hiring a motorhome, and what is not so important, we can advise you of your best options. You’d hate to get on the road and find your motorhome doesn’t have something you really wanted. For those on a tight budget and are planning on staying in campsites every night, you might forgo the option of a toilet and shower to save yourself some money. Our top tip: let us know your budget and your must haves and we’ll work with you to find the right option for you and your holiday!
  • Hiring a motorhome is more expensive than hiring a car and booking a motel room. Not necessarily true! When you combine car hire, the cost of motel rooms, fuel and eating out 3 times a day plus snacks, you might be pleasantly surprised to find that the costs can come out relatively the same if not cheaper when hiring a motorhome. Except with a motorhome hire you get all the benefits that we have listed above and is a totally different experience. Imagine just unpacking the whole family once? You’ll be out by that pool or sunning yourself on that beach before you know it!
home adventure hire campfire

If you have never experienced a motorhome hire holiday, you will be pleasantly surprised! We have helped so many fist timers on the road, the feedback we get is so wonderful. To be out on the road, feeling the wind in your hair, the sand beneath your feet and the freedom to go where you choose is paradise made in heaven.

If you are undecided on your next trip, then check out hiring a motorhome. Get in touch with our friendly staff to see what we can match you up with to make your road trip the right one!

Further reading: Popular questions answered about family motorhomes for hire

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Speak to one of our friendly team about a motorhome hire or join us on one of our escorted motorhome tours. We look forward to chatting to you!